As I mentioned in last week's post, this week's TWD pick is Chocolate Chunkers. As its name implies, its a chunky cookie crammed full of chocolate chips (both dark and white), salted peanuts and raisins. In fact, there's more "stuff" than cookie to this recipe, if you know what I mean, so it makes for a great (but indulgent) snack.
Those of you who've been following the TWD cookie posts (Granola Grabbers, Chunky Peanut Butter and Oatmeal Chocolate Chipsters and Chocolate Whopper Malted Drops) know that I'm a huge fan of the Granola Grabbers and its been that recipe against which I've compared all the other TWD picks. Until last week, in my book anyway, the Granola Grabbers reigned supreme. I'm happy to say that this week's Chocolate Chunkers is another winner! I like it as much as the Granola Grabbers, which for me, is a lot. I guess I have a thing for chunky cookies as that's what the two recipes had in common.
Although a huge cookie fan, I have to say I'm glad to take a break from cookies for now and turn to baking something else. Till next week, adios!
For recipe, click here.
OMG, I absolutely loved these Chunkers!!
Your cookies look wonderful! So rich and delicious. Well done!
These were great.
I still think I like the granola grabbers better, but please don't tell.
I might lose my standing in the Chocolate Club.
Always good to have a new favorite, even if it can't even be considered psuedo-healthy :)
Loved these chunkers, but ready like you to move on to something other than a cookie!
I couldn't agree more -- and in fact, started my post that way -- glad to move on from cookies for a while! yours look fantastic...
Yours look great! I loved these too!
These were ultra-chocolatey, weren't they? Yours look delicious as well!
I loved the Grabbers and these, too. Heck...I really love all cookies! They were good, but so very indulgent, that's for sure.
I love these chunkers..they are the best.! Your cookies rock!
these were fantastic. enough said.
These chunkers were the best and are one of my favorites! Great job!
Yep, it is time to move on :)
Haha! If I had to choose my top two cookies I would pick the granola grabbers and these ones!
Glad you like them as much as I did :)
These cookies are great! Glad you enjoyed them.
We loved these too! What a way to end the cookie streak! But yes, I'm glad to be moving on to something else.
Glad you liked them! I thought they were good too but liked the chocolate malted whopper drops more.
The grabbers and the whopper cookies are still a little higher on my list.
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